Monday, August 12, 2013

The GBF Resentment

Got into an argument with a friend yesterday. As a gay guy, he is tired of, and resents like hell, the whole trendy GBF topic. He hates being labeled, hates being stereotyped, hates being pigeon-holed, hates being an acronym ... well, you get the idea.

Topic arose because I was with a woman, a good friend, my best friend, in fact. Though she never tosses out such as GBF, nor does she ever refer to me as he GBF, her bestie, etc, we are best friends -- call he my BFF, call me her GBF,. He slammed her for being a phony trendoid. She took it in stride, almost amused. She and I have both heard this before, with equal vitriol.

I tried to explain to my friend (who, interestingly, numbers two straight women as his very, very, very good friends) that the label is merely something which pop culture has latched onto. It has nothing to do with the reality, the very real and very natural friendships between gay men and straight women;.which is all that matters.

I am convinced that the explosion of interest about straight women/gay male friendships is healthy. No more the tired and repulsive "fag hag" derision. I am enriched by my deep and intimate friendships with women and women are enriched by their friendships with gay men.

As for the GBF labeling, if it in some way mainstreams the reality of the gay man/straight woman friendship, then fine by me.

How to Find Your Gay Best Friend: 5 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Find Your Gay Best Friend: 5 Steps (with Pictures)