Friday, May 17, 2013

The GBF Possibilities Are Limitless

A friend and I, another gay guy, were at the theater last night, Off-Broadway. Couple next to us, fortyish, wife and husband. Within ten minutes, the husband is drifting off. His elbow slipping off the armrest, nudging me. He'd then snap awake, look guiltily around, and promptly start snoozing off again. His wife was embarrassed and annoyed. She kept elbowing him, shooting me apologetic glances.

At intermission, my friend and I are standing in the lobby, chatting, when the wife appears. She apologizes for her husband. I told her it was okay, sorry he wasn't enjoying the show. She said he never does, hates the theater. Probably she should come with a friend. 

Seated again, she took the seat next to me, the husband on the aisle. The wife and I talked a bit before Act II began. After the show, the wife shook my hand and said she hoped to see us again (subscription, four plays a season). She asked if we had tickets for the next show. I said we hadn't and she mentioned that she was already booked for June 14. I said we'd try and book for the same night. She offered us a huge smile and left.

On the way home, I told my friend that she doesn't realize it yet, but she's already in the market for a GBF. I'll look forward to seeing her again.

If a gay guy is open to being a gay best friend, the possibilities (at least here in NYC) are deliciously unlimited.

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